Covid-19 Procedure, Local Updates and Training Announcements


25 August 2020



Covid-19 procedure

There is no getting away from the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a life-changing impact on everyone, from individuals to small, medium and large businesses alike. In order to comply with regulations and adapt to what could be a permanent change in the way everyday things are done, at Eagle Platforms we have had to make some serious changes to all parts of our business, from equipment hire to training programmes. We thought it would be interesting and reassuring to show you what we’ve done to ensure the safety of our staff, clients and training delegates alike.

Eagle Platforms and Covid-19 protocol

Eagle Platforms have, from day one followed the official guidelines when it comes to protocol designed to minimize risk for users of MEWPs, MCWPs or construction hoists, which can be summarised as below.

As Covid-19 is believed to be primarily spread via close contact from person to person and some asymptomatic transmission can occur primarily through respiratory droplets, Eagle Platforms have taken steps to move our IPAF theory training online. As an IPAF-approved training centre, we’ve managed to take advantage of facial recognition to ensure the fidelity of our online training as part of the IPAF courses and adapted to eLearning for this part of the course. This mitigates against close proximity learning indoors. As the practical side of the courses is primarily in an outdoor setting, with a far smaller risk of transmission, this continues as normal, with enforced social distancing, and adapted programmes, not to mention extremely regular, diligent cleaning and maintenance of all machinery.

Local Covid updates

Unfortunately Greater Manchester and Kirklees have seen recent local lockdowns as the number of active cases in these areas had begun to rise. While work is continuing in construction, many people are being asked to stay home. Eagle Platforms wish to ensure all of our clients that we continue to exercise the utmost caution and take all possible measures to prevent the transmission of the virus. All drivers are supplied with full PPE engineers, as well as any engineers on call-outs as well as site visitors.

Training updates

We need your help in keeping our training programmes as safe as possible. We ask all delegates that are attending our premises, be it for IPAF, PASMA or telehandler training, to monitor your health and temperature for at least 48 hours before your course. If you have any Covid-related symptoms please call and reschedule. Contact information and temperature checks are mandatory on arrival and we trust that you will comply with these important measures.

We wish to reassure all delegates that strict social distancing measures are in place from your arrival to departure. If you should feel unwell during your training please bring this to the attention of the training manager immediately.

We cannot begin to tell you how much we appreciate you as clients and we will keep you informed of any additional information. On the flipside if you have any special requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can direct your email to Daniel Haigh at


IPAF training course | Scissor Lift Hire cost UK

Approved Training Centre

We are proud to have been the first IPAF training centre based in Sheffield and are delighted to offer four dedicated courses all given the Eagle stamp of quality and offered with flexible options that allow morning, afternoon, evening and even weekend bookings.